Turtling Up. Lost art of conversation. Trisha Lewis Communication Skills

How to talk to strangers

The rich rewards of random conversations and how to have them. Imagine we told you that there was something easy, fast, and free that you could do every day to increase your happiness. Imagine this activity could also help you…

Liz Truss And Beth Rigby Interview

Defensiveness ruins Communication

Lessons learnt from Liz Truss’s defensive communication style Defensiveness creates blind spots in decision-making. When individual and groups respond defensively problems go unrecognised, victims go unacknowledged, and relationships deteriorate. * The crime of ‘defensive communication’ is committed by many —…

Kira Auf Der Heide Ipx7j1n Xuc Unsplash

The Pleasure of Pleasing

When does ‘people pleasing’ become a self-squashing habit? No, this article is not about intimate relationship matters. But — if you ‘went there’ it’s all good. You’ve connected to a very basic part of being human. Most of us get…