#101: Explore Your Warrior‘s Mindset. With Arno Ilgner

Arno Ilgner is the author of ‘The Rock Warrior’s Way: mental training guide for climbers.’ But his wisdom is for all of us.  We talk about separating identity from outcome by looking at the outcomes more objectively and coming off the ‘self-worth rollercoaster’. 


A mental shift from constantly striving for the future, towards having a guide but being present for what’s going on right now.  Working our way through to a more authentic self.

As Arno says – ‘as individuals, as business owners, we need to develop the kind of culture and values that push back against this faster tendency in society, so that we actually can apply ourselves moment to moment to the struggles that we have.

We talk about our tendency to be very self critical if we’re not succeeding, or if we’re don’t feel like we’re competing well enough.

This episode will encourage you to find a way to be compassionate with yourself – as Arno says – “not to circumvent challenges, but actually to meet the challenges – knowing you’re going to make mistakes, and being compassionate about making those mistakes and seeing them as necessary for our learning process. To navigate them instead of being self critical..”


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