169: Standing out while Fitting in

This episode explores the tension between wanting to make and impact and wanting to conform to the norm. Is it possible to do both? What are the symptoms of too much blending in or even too much standing out – when you are not coming from a place of ‘you-ness’?

As always we look at the symptoms, drivers and then possible solutions to try out. As always I refer to a book or two and some areas that you might want to explore more – if you like a good rabbit hole like me.

References for this episode: Book – A Fraction of the Whole by Stand Toltz 

Book – A Life of One’s Own by Marion Milner 

Theories: Impression Management 

Social Identity 

I also refer to my book and TEDx talk Book: The Mystery of the Squashed Self  TEDx: Beware the Self Squashing Prophecy 

More resources at http://www.trishalewis.com